Boating Education and Safety Class

Chairperson:  Aileen Collura | 708-912-4038 |

The Boating Education and Safety Class is scheduled for Saturday, June 14, 2025, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the BLPOA building (lunch provided). Please click below for more information: 



Indiana Boater Education Courses will provide instruction in general information concerning boats and maintenance, what to do in emergencies, how to make your experience safe and enjoyable, and the laws pertaining to watercraft operation.

About the Class

Boater Education classes are offered by knowledgeable and dedicated volunteer instructors and Indiana Conservation Officers.

The Classroom Course must include a minimum of 6 hours of instruction. In order to be certified, students must attend the entire class as well as pass a test.

Age-Related Information

We do not prevent attendance based on age; however:

  • Any child under 11 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • At the beginning of the class, anyone under 18 years of age must give the instructor a signed, completed Liability Release Form (download, print, and sign). This form must have the parent or guardian's signature.