Bass Lake Conservancy District

The Bass Lake Conservancy District (BLCD) owns and operates the sanitary sewer system that provides service to homes within the District.  It also manages the Lake Pump, and works together with the IDNR on matters concerning weed control.  The BLCD meets the second Monday of the month at the BLPOA Community Center.  Meetings begin promptly at 6:00 PM (CST).  Visit their website at

Flush Only Toilet Paper and Human Waste

In the past, the Conservancy District has had problems with inappropriate items being flushed into the system:  including diapers, depends, feminine products, cleansing wipes, and paper toweling.  The lift stations are unable to pump these items through the lines to the treatment plant.  As a result, pumps are clogged and damaged.  Please DO NOT dispose of any of these items in the toilet.  In many cases it is possible to identify where these items originate; and a homeowner may be held responsible for any damage/repairs to the pumping station as a result of this negligence. 

The BLCD’S sanitary system use ordinance PROHIBITS sump pumps and other clear water sources from being connected to the sanitary sewer system.  Homeowners who are found to have these illegal connections can be fined up to $1,500 per day.  Therefore, in order to protect the integrity of the BLCD sanitary sewer system, individual sewer connection inspections can be conducted by the BLCD at any time without any notice.

If you have any questions regarding the sanitary sewer system please call the Bass Lake Conservancy District at 574-772-2974. For emergencies only, call 574-806-1707.